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Animal organs for human transplantation: how close are we ?

You know  about xenotransplantation

Solid organ transplantation ,by most measure a phenomenal success. One potential  solution to organ availability  crises is the use of animal as organ donar for humans ( xenotransplantation).

Organ transplantation has been one of the success  stories of the latter part of 20th century, this field now solidly entrenched in modern medical therapy. Since last decades, thousands of the patients received new kidneys, livers, heart and other organs( lung, pancreas, and intestine ) routinely transplanted, clinical results of these interventions have meant the restoration of meaningful, protective and active lives to recipients of all organs.

Vexingly, the transplant community has not been able to meet the demand for donar organ, to reduced the overcome finding  a alternative, more plenityful  supply of replacement organs for human transplantation.


   A long list emerging when we considered  the preferred characteristics  of animals to be appropriate to be organ donar for humans
 ●Animal  should be of compatible anatomy  and physiology for intended organ to function well
 ● No possibility  to cross species ( animal to human) infection  should exsist (especially  virus)
Non human primates (apes and monkeys) most like human anatomically and physiologically, but they may possibly resistance to human  diseases ( HIV and hepatitis B), some monkey viruses ( herpes 8) deadly  to human in a matter of days. Finally, ethical obstacle to using non human  primate as a donors  for human.

The pig with large litter ( up to 10 littermate), short gasteration time ( 4 minths) anatomically and physiologically  similar to humans and long history  of providing medicinals ( skin, insulin, cardiac prosthesis, cardiac factor for humans has become  the most likely  condidate for consideration  as an organ donor.


 The use of pig organ as xenografts came one step closer to reality with discovery  in  human of naturally occurring antibody  cross - reacting with porcine cell( especially  vascular endothelium cells).
 These xenoreactive antibodies(IgM & IgGs) may exist as the result of cross reactivity with enteric  bacteria, and are found in human. They bind in pig with Alfa 1,3- galactose carbohydrates  unit, which morphological similar with ABO blood group antigen , This antigen is very high in noumber in porcine vascular  endothelial cell.
Unmodulated, prompt antigen antibody reaction, complement activation, endothelial cell permeability, capillary  fibrin deposition  with ischemia, hence hyperacute rejection.

A noumber of approaches have been proposed to reduced or eliminate this antigen- antibody interaction, These include antibody absorption  through
Pretransplant organs( liver or lung ) or immunoaffanity  column perfussion, the continious infusion of  antibody depleting carbohydrates, the modification  of animal lacking ( or with greatly reduced ) alfa 1,3- Gal antigens and accomodation.



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