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What causes and how its manage belly fat


There are a number  of factors  that can contribute to a person  becoming overweight & developing any of associated conditions like obesity
while you have a great excercise , eat best ,and most healthy food but less focus what the route cause of obesity.

First we ' ll take a look at a couple of cause of belly fat.

CHRONIC STRESS - when you are suffered with  chronic  stress ,your adrenal glands releases  harmone like adrenaline & cortisol  flood in blood circulation which  increases  heart rate, blood pressure,  & even belly fat storage,( this is because of deep abdominal fat contain 4 times the cortisol receptors than fat under the skin.

Cortisol also signals for glucose to be released into blood streams when glucose isn't used up in blood it's get stored as a fat 

Finally when cortisol couple with suger , your insulin level increases , increase  inflammation,  which make you feel lousy & & sugary food many people might turn to as pick me 

IMBALANCE  DIET- right diet by means stress busting  diet to reduced obesity mainly belly fat , with respect  to your life style.


Top 4 stress busting tips to get reduced belly fat.
1.ADDRESS- underlying biological cause of stress mercury toxicity, defecience in magnesium & vit B12 as well as gluten allergies,  could all be change your brain's chemistry & leading to issue with stress.
 Reduced stress lode by using food and vegetables  like-

● AVOCADO- rich in monounsaturated  fat, high insulin  level , low in suger so use as a pre work out snack !

● Berries- low in calories & suger ,rich in dietary fibers

● Apple & pear- low in calories , rich in fiber so better help in digestion and useful for suger patients 

● Grape fruit - mainly responsible  for burning  belly fat because it's stimulate cholecystokinin know as hunger suppresent also low in insulin.

● Sweet potato- rich source of antioxidant and antiinflamatory. 

●Chilli potato- good source for burning fat because containing  bitter appetite  suppresent  contain capsaicin.

Leafy green- such as spinach,kale ,rich fiber, and low fat and calories  so you can eat more without weight  gain.

● Cruciferous  vegetables  - like kale, radish, turnip, mustered green, this family  rich  vita A, C , folic acid ,carotine, fiber, improve your digestion health also improve weight loss. 

2) ACTIVE RELEX - engage  the powerful force on the  mind on the body by actively doing  something  relexing , either  by deep breathing or simple leisurely  walk .
Sitting in front of television  doesn't  count,

3) MOVE  YOUR BODY-  excercise is powerful  tool to combat stress & heal the mind but routinely. 

4) SLEEP -   Take 8 hour ,so reduced stress harmone level.

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