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How many human researches guinea pig uses in 2018


Guinea pig biological  similar to human beings, which make them use in many field of human researches.
Guinea pig tissue and organs are extensively use in research  to develope  new medicine. 
LIKE - Beta blocker  to treat  high blood pressure and intestinal ulcers
Anti- nausea drug  consist (naturally occurring pain killer substance) enkephalins.

 guinea pig airways are sensitive to allergence so it has been  widely use in asthma studies .
 The inhaled medications that the mainstays  of asthma treatment ( orally active- drug) montilukast, also use to treat a vaccine  against anthrax,recent new medicine  to treat drug  resistant tuberculosis. 
Sensitivity  of guinea  pigs regarding  some infectious  diseases  are similar to immune difference  system  of humans , 
LIKE-  mycobecteriam tuberculous  and lectospira  icteroids .

The structure of guinea pigs ears similar to that of human, means  hearing  range are also similar, 
Hair cells are the sensory  cell of the auditory  system, these cells don't re- grow when damage, so first successful  attampt  to regenerate  hair cell in the inner ear of a mammals , announced  in 2003 ,achieved in guinea  pigs.

Guinea pigs requiring vit C, folic acid, thiamine,  argenine, & potassium in their  diet. They also carried most of their  plasma cholesterol  in low density  protein, which make them useful in nutrition  studies.

The long gestration  period 59- 72 days, and mature nervous system  at birth means that guinea pigs are important in safety testing, particularly  to prevent  birth defence. However, similar to their immune system, their skin is more sensitive, so guinea pig are widespread use for allergic skin reactions.


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